The Japan Baptist Convention’s Articles of Faith

The Japan Baptist Convention is the organ for mutual contact and cooperation of the churches affiliated with the convention for the proclamation of the Gospel. The churches affiliated with the convention are autonomous, independent churches which have their own articles of faith; however, by these articles of faith we reaffirm today the common faith held by the Baptist churches related to the convention and expresses the basis for cooperation and fellowship. The focus of our articles of faith is Jesus Christ and its foundation is the Bible. Believing that the Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is the only standard of our faith, we declare the following, based upon this belief.

The God revealed in Jesus Christ is the only omniscient, omnipotent God who works as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God created the heavens and the earth in love and freedom. He rules over these. Jesus Christ, as God’s Son and in obedience to the will of God, became a man, was nailed to the cross to save all mankind from sin, was resurrected on the third day, conquered sin and death, and became the Lord of all the world. The Holy Spirit witnesses to all the works of Jesus Christ directly in our hearts, causes us to bear the fruit of faith, and leads us to the glory of God.

We as mankind were created in the the image of God, but fell into sin and turned our back on God, Nevertheless, we were placed under the grace of God and are invited to receive God’s salvation in Jesus Christ. Faith is believing in and accepting Jesus Christ, repenting of sin, and following Christ with all our body and spirit. Only by this faith can we be justified by God and experience new birth.

The Church which is the body of Christ has been called out by the Holy Spirit to faith and the fellowship of love,and it is the gathering of those who are born again whose mission is the salvation of this world. All believers equally participate in the proclamation of the Gospel. The polity of the church is congregational. Each church is autonomous and independent, therefore, is not ruled by nor subordinated to any other church. At the same time,each church rejoices in cooperating with other churches. We observe baptism and Lord’s Supper as the ordinances of the church. Baptism is administered only to those who believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. It symbolizes the death of the body of sin on the cross and receiving new life at the resurrection . Therefore , we deny infant baptism and adhere to immersion as the mode of baptism. Lord’s Supper commemorates the redemptive death of Jesus Christ . By its observance we strengthen our fellowship and are sent forth for proclamation as we wait expectantly for the return of Christ at the end time.

We observe the first day of the week as Lord’s day, commemorate the resurrection the Lord,and wait expectantly for the promise of the Lord. We begin our week by observing worship on the Lord’s day,rejoicing in God’s salvation, sharing blessings and bearing burdens together with neighbors as we bear witness to Christ. The state must preserve the dignity of all men who are invited to salvation; however,it must never become the lord of the conscience.The Lord of our conscience is God alone. We assert the freedom of the conscience in faith and the principle of separation of church and state. The church constantly maintains a watch over the state,offers prayers on its behalf, and obeys it as long as it does not violate the will of God.

The Lord Jesus Christ will come again to make all things new. The Lord of the end time will give new spiritual bodies and the perfection of salvation to those who believe and will judge the unbelievers. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ is our hope,for He will not allow our daily labor of faith to end in disappointment.

(The 33rd annual general meeting adopted August 1979)


Bible Verse Prologue; The churches of independence and cooperation The Acts11:1-18、11・22- 29、13・1-4、Ⅱコリント 8・1-24
(聖書)ヨハネ 5・39、Ⅰコリント 15・3-5、Ⅱテモテ 3・14-17、詩篇 119・ 105、130、160
イエス・キリスト  マルコ 1・11、8・27-33、ヨハネ 1・8、14・6、使徒行伝 2・ 14-36、ローマ 10・9、Ⅰコリント 2・2、ピリピ 2・1-11、コロサイ 1・15-20 神 マルコ 10・27、ヨハネ 1・14-18、3・16-21、使徒行伝 17・24-28、Ⅰコ リントⅠ・18-2・5、8・6、Ⅱコリント 13・13、Ⅰテモテ 2・4-5、黙示録 4・ 11、出エジプト記 3・13-15、20・1-17、申命記 6・4-5、サムエル上 2・3、詩 篇 139・1-18
全世界の主 マタイ 28・18-20、使徒行伝 1・8、ローマ 3・19、エペソ 1・20- 23、ピリピ 2・9-11、詩篇 8・1-9、66・1-4 聖霊 ヨハネ 14・26、15・26、16・12-15、使徒行伝 1・8、2・1-4、Ⅰコリン ト 12・1-11、ガラテヤ 3・1-5、エペソ 1・13-14、Ⅰヨハネ 4・1-6 人間 ローマ 2・1-11、5・8-19、エペソ 2・1-3、Ⅰペテロ 2・24-25、創世 記 1・26-27、3・1-24 信仰 使徒行伝 2・37-40、ローマ 3・21-30、10・9-10、ガラテヤ 2・16- 20、3・26-28、エペソ 2・8、Ⅱテモテ 2・8-13、へブル 11・1、Ⅰヨハネ 5・1 -5
教会 マタイ 16・13-19、18・15-20、使徒行伝 2・42-47、Ⅰコリント 12・12 -31、エペソ 1・22-23、2・19-22、Ⅰペテロ 2・9-10
礼典 (バプテスマ)使徒行伝 2・36-42、8・36-38、ローマ 6・3-11、エペソ 4・3-7、コロサイ 2・12 (主の晩餐)マルコ 14・22-24、ルカ 22・14-20、使徒行伝 20・7。Ⅰコリン ト 10・16-17、11・23-29
主の日 ルカ 24・1、使徒行伝 20・7、Ⅰコリント 16・2、へブル 10・23-25、出 エジプト記 20・8、イザヤ 58・13-14 生活 マタイ 5・13-16、ヨハネ 13・34-35、ローマ 12・1-2、エペソ 5・8、ピ リピ 4・4-7、コロサイ 2・6-7、3・12-17、Ⅱテサロニケ 3・6-13
教会と国家 (国家)使徒行伝 5・29、ローマ 13・1-7、Ⅰテモテ 2・1―3、Ⅰ ペテロ 2・13、黙示録 13 章
(良心の主)Ⅰテモテ 1・18、Ⅰペテロ 2・16、3・13-16
(政教分離)マタイ 22・15-22
(国家にたいする教会の態度)使徒行伝 4・19 4
終末の希望 (キリストの再臨)マタイ 25・31-46、マルコ 13・26-27、使徒行 伝 1・11、Ⅰコリント 16・22、ピリピ 4・4-5、黙示録 21・1-5、22・20
(希望)ローマ 5・5、15・13、Ⅰコリント 15・42-44、50-58、Ⅱコリント 4・ 18、Ⅰテサロニケ 1・9-10、へブル 11・1、Ⅰペテロ 4・7-8、Ⅱペテロ 3・8- 13