The Privacy Protection Policy Pertaining to Personal Information on the Japan Baptist Convention Web Site
We at the Japan Baptist Convention recognize that it is our social responsibility in our public web site to appropriately manage personal information such as names, addresses, mail addresses and illustration and visual data wherein individuals can be recognized. Therefore, we will protect and deal appropriately with any personal information per the guidelines below.
1.In its management of personal information, the Japan Baptist Convention will continue to use, enhance and improve appropriate security measures.
2.When using personal information, such information will only be used for purposes within the limits agreed to. Information received at Japan Baptist Convention gatherings will only be used in announcements pertaining to such gatherings or events.
3.Use of data such as photographs on the Japan Baptist Convention public website will be governed by the following guidelines.
Pertaining to photographs taken during gatherings and the like wherein individuals may be recognizable, the Convention will pay special attention to the size and pixel density of the image and, depending on the type and quality of the image, the use of such images may be limited in some cases only to web pages that require an ID and password for viewing.
4.Except in cases where permission has been granted or where required by law, personal information will not be transferred to any third party or parties. Furthermore, in cases where information is transferred to any third party or parties, the Japan Baptist Convention will require appropriate management of the information by the third party or parties.
5.The Japan Baptist Convention, along with abiding by applicable laws and other guidelines, will continue its efforts to enhance and improve its protection of personal information in relation to any change in the security environment.
6.In the case of a request by anyone desiring details of one’s personal information held, corrections to one’s personal information or deletion of one’s personal information, the person involved should contact the Japan Baptist Convention, and, following a verification of the facts of the case and within reasonable limits, the Japan Baptist Convention will attempt to respond to the request as seamlessly as possible.
September 16, 2010
Japan Baptist Convention